FENRIS GAMES is a one-man business aimed at supplying hobbyists, wargamers, and modelmakers with a cornucopia of goodies, from modelling supplies to finished scenery, sculpted greens to custom modelmaking work, and assorted adjuncts to all of the above!
Ongoing issues with the laser cutter following it’s relocation from one workshop space to another means that the machine is still OOC and awaiting an engineer visit. This being summertime, holidays are obviously a Thing and it’ll be a while yet before our...
Sorry, yes, I know…I’ve been very quiet. Mostly that’s due to this last five months of turning Life(tm) upside down to newly accomodate not one but two parents needing fulltime home care while still running things at Fenris. Obviously, something had...
Another month gone, and still the endless parade of solicitors’ paperwork and legal documents continues…sigh. Somehow, I’ve managed to cram a small tradeshow (small for Fenris, Partizan has got BIG) into May and to pack and ship dozens of sets of Dragon Ogres...
Just a heads-up, further to last month’s news/newsletter - unavoidably, I’ll be cutting Fenris hours down by around 50% for the forseeable near future - and unlikely to be answering emails/phone/processing orders until midday onwards, weekdays. This inevitably will mean delays...
Some tutorial images are public domain and are used in good faith; All other text and images are property of and copyright by Fenris Games 2008 and 2014. Any trademarked names mentioned are for reference purposes only and are not intended as any kind of infringement upon Intellectual Properties of any kind.