Ongoing/neverending Catch-up

Ongoing/neverending Catch-up

Another month gone, and still the endless parade of solicitors’ paperwork and legal documents continues…sigh.

Somehow, I’ve managed to cram a small tradeshow (small for Fenris, Partizan has got BIG) into May and to pack and ship dozens of sets of Dragon Ogres from Forge of Ice alongside finally repairing the laser, again. The backlog of orders is now *almost* cleared away with only US/UK customs officers holding things up as our Bronze Age imports take forever to clear the shipping chain. I’m now in the frustrating position of having *loads* of new releases to try and see through to production but without the time or wherewithal to get them finished. Soon, though! Likewise, I am doing my best to catch up with emails, queries, and custom projects but there really, *really* isn’t enough time in the day after homecare and dog walking is all seen to. Sorry! Having made the difficult choice to drop out of attending UKGE next week, though, there’s nothing “physical” to prep for until Partizan (again) in early October, so I do at least have a whole summer to try and wow you with new stuff! Including, hopefully, another short but sweet kickstarter…