Refuelling and Onwards!

Refuelling and Onwards!

Sorry, yes, I know…I’ve been very quiet. Mostly that’s due to this last five months of turning Life(tm) upside down to newly accomodate not one but two parents needing fulltime home care while still running things at Fenris. Obviously, something had to give and while I’m still processing orders as fast as I can, turnaround is still a lot slower than I’d like. All the little niggles of the day-to-day get magnified so a laser cutter that needs re-alignment might take several days to get around to; likewise if a new mould is needed it might be a week or more ‘til I have a clear run of time to get that done. Stock items and regular lines are *mostly* going out within 24h, though.

New things are still being plotted and worked on, meanwhile! If too much time spent in hospital waiting rooms has amounted to anything, it’s sketches and notebook work for next and imminent projects. As always, social media’s the best place to follow daily news - Bluesky’s our weapon of choice these days, with pageholders at Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. And there’s a very irregular newsletter ( that tries its level best to just stick to the new stuff and the goodies.

Thanks, always, for your continued patience and especially your support. You’re definitely keeping the lights on here at Fenris!