In these increasingly scattershot days of social media promotion and tightening money-belts, we tiny indie manufacturers are pulling out all the stops to try and maintain customer loyalty for what we know is essentially a luxury purchase, and this new scheme is Fenris’ attempt at that. Longer term, we’re looking to a Patreon/ko-fi style subscription that’ll get you exclusive discounted access to minis and models, but for the short term at least, the FREEBIE SCENIE is a trial run at such things.

August saw our first test piece - a post-apoc scatter piece with a bootleg graffiti panel etched into it. Congratulations if you managed to get one of those - it’ll never be released for sale! September, meanwhile, sees the inclusion of the first piece in a tessellating diorama set that can only be completed by collecting all 12 pieces - and you can only get those pieces by placing regular orders or by subs to the forthcoming loyalty programme. Each month, a new piece of this diorama will be popped into *any* order placed via the Fenris webshop, and over time these will build a scenic set big enough to base a monster or vehicle from your collection.

Please note: this is a trial of a completely new thing and there will undoubtedly be a few niggles to work out. But in the meantime, you’re getting free stuff! As always - Thanks for your order!

Ian @ Fenris