News & Blog

  • Ongoing/neverending Catch-up

    Ongoing/neverending Catch-up

    Another month gone, and still the endless parade of solicitors’ paperwork and legal documents continues…sigh. Somehow, I’ve managed to cram a small tradeshow (small for Fenris, Partizan has got BIG) into May and to pack and ship dozens of sets of Dragon Ogres...

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  • Shorterning Workshop/office hours

    Shorterning Workshop/office hours

    Just a heads-up, further to last month’s news/newsletter - unavoidably, I’ll be cutting Fenris hours down by around 50% for the forseeable near future - and unlikely to be answering emails/phone/processing orders until midday onwards, weekdays. This inevitably will mean delays...

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  • Salute51 and Workshop Closedown

    Salute51 and Workshop Closedown

    Please note, due to the ridiculous amount of work involved in Salute prep *on top of* ongoing family hospital visits (see last News item), the Fenris workshop is now closed until April 16th and I won’t be processing any orders before that date. As...

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  • March 2024 - Unavoidable delays and SALUTE 51

    March 2024 - Unavoidable delays and SALUTE 51

    The last two weeks of February and beginning of March have seen things here at Fenris plunged into chaos following a family accident which has required my attendance at hospital for the last 23 days and counting; this has obviously seen a general cutting of the...

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  • February latest!

    February latest!

    It’s been far too long since I updated here - apologies! A combination of website stuff, general workload, Xmas and RealLife(TM) major family health issues have meant the time free to dedicate to Fenris has been much less than would be ideal. Somehow,...

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